I know this post isn’t going to be for everyone but after I wrote this post on how to grow your hair, I started receiving afew emails from young girls asking me how I style my hair and what products I use so I thought I should just write another blog post about it. Curly hair is a funny thing, throughout your life you develop a love/hate relationship with it going from one extreme to the other, usually as you get older you fall in love with your curls when you realise you have the best of both worlds. When I was a teenager I used to polish off an entire tube of hair gel within a couple of days trying to plaster down my unruly, frizzy hair with the hopes of it looking vaguely socially exceptable. The reality was my hair looked like the dodgy guy from the movie, Coming to America, “Let your sooooooouuuuullll gloooooo!!!!!”
Mixed Curly Hairstyles